paperback 192 pages
[Inner Traditions] A full-color guide to working with gemstones for self-healing, energy work, and spiritual growth • Explains how to choose your crystals and cleanse them, how to energize and charge them, as well as how to get to know your crystals and attune to them • Explores the correspondences between gemstones and colors and discusses the effects of crystals on the chakras, the meridians, and the aura • Reveals how to craft crystal essences, heal animals with gemstones, work with crystal grids, and combine crystal therapy with ancestral healing, Reiki, reflexology, acupuncture, and massage In this full-color guide that is filled with explanatory diagrams and step-by-step photographic instructions, Shirley O’Donoghue shares the basics of crystal healing, enabling anyone to learn to use crystals for self-healing, energy work, and spiritual growth. The author explains how to choose your crystals and cleanse them, how to energize and charge them.