Green Goldstone - Tumbles

Green Goldstone - Tumbles

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Goldstone is a man-made gemstone mixed with the mineral Copper resulting in its “sparkly” appearance. Copper is one of the most powerful conduits for moving and sending energy, making this stone a powerful ally for distance healing. Green Goldstone also has many other metaphysical properties of copper, including strengthening of the circulatory system and bones and easing arthritis pain. It shields from negative frequencies, often returning these vibrations to their source. It can be used to deflect unwanted energies, making it a great protection stone. Goldstone encourages a positive outlook and propels one forward, assisting in the achievement of goals and manifestation. Green Goldstone is believed to attract abundance and prosperity. It is also said to help one stay calm and stabilize the emotions. It brings healing to the heart chakra and inspires deep emotional healing, balancing the energy between the heart and emotional body. 

*Please note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare replacements.*