Charged and infused during the waning moon, which is associated with uncrossing, hex breaking, banishing work, and releasing negative energies. Our Uncrossing oil is infused with a synergistic blend of herbs that help to protect and nurture the user, allowing them to remain strongly rooted, while deflecting harmful, negative or chaotic energies during uncrossing, spell breaking and Return to Sender types of spellwork. This ritual oil can be used in spell jars, to dress candles, applied to the body, used to anoint altar tools, or added to a bath. It carries the soft scent of the herbs it's infused with, blended with dragon's blood. Each bottle contains black tourmaline.
1 fl oz
Ingredients: grape seed oil infused with rue², stinging nettle root², birch bark*, wormwood², motherwort², mugwort*, juniper², cypress*, essential oil blend, fragrance, black tourmaline
²organic *harvested by us